Thursday, November 7, 2013

Suckvember Has Begun

We knew November was going to be a tough month, and so far it hasn't disappointed. My grandmother/Nanny died on Nov. 1.

I got the call from my dad early in the morning when I was getting ready to do some wedding prep with a close friend. I didn't want to be Debby Downer, so I stuffed those feelings down. Good thing I have lots of practice with that. :)

The wedding was amazing though!

It was a good distraction from thinking about Nanny.

Tuesday was the funeral, it was surprisingly very difficult. For a 95 year old woman, there were a lot of people there. I hope when I am 95 I have that much family and friends around!

The saddest part was seeing her 2 sisters be so incredibly sad. The best part was seeing lots of family we don't see often and that her bowling buddies came!

She was a HUGE bowler. It was something she did the majority of her life, and they even went to Washington, D.C. on some sort of bowling trip I never knew the details about. I wonder if it was a tournament, or just for funsies or what? (If anyone reading knows, please comment)

The good news is the IVF shot I am on right now (Lupron) is no big deal. Seriously, it's a tiny needle, like a diabetes-type needle. And it takes me about 30 seconds to prep and administer the shot. NBD.

I go back to the doctor tomorrow (Friday) for a sonogram and further instructions. I start another shot on Sunday I think. It is Follistem, which I will take until the retrieval.

This medication can potentially have some icky side effects, and I can't exercise on it. (Too bad since I have been working out like never!- Now I have a good "reason" not to)

I was looking at the calendar today, and it seems so soon we will be doing the transfer! I am so excited I want it to be here already!!!!!!!!

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