Thursday, August 7, 2014

IVF Round 2

My medications have arrived!

It's a weird feeling spending $3,322.23 and then it arrives looking like this.

S says "that sure doesn't look like 3 grand! I expected more."
And I'm like "Um.....more meds means more pain for me....."
He didn't mean it that way, I hope........

This cycle I am doing things differently as I have mentioned before. I hope something works, and it doesn't cost more than last time!

Things I am doing this time:
Meditating/Visualizing daily (free)
Acupuncture, first visit is Saturday ($75)
Acupuncture day of transfer ($50)
Massage half-way through ($45)
Tons of Vitamins (approx. $200)
Only organic food, low-carb, high-protein diet (increase of about $50 a month)
Retrieval (296.06)
Transfer (190.46)
Lab Fees (??? Last time it was almost $4000)
Other doctor fees (??? Last time it was almost $300)

Total- Approx: $8,528.75

HOLY SHIT! That is A LOT of money! But cheaper than last time! And WAAAAAYYYY cheaper than people who don't have insurance! We are really lucky S' work has good benefits!

After this cycle though our $20,000 fertility benefit is DONE, exhausted. They are kind enough to offer us a $21,000 benefit for "Centers of Excellence" which is a clinic they approve. However, the stats at the nearest clinic, 3 hours away, are not good! Their lab has terrible results, and the embryologist (ie the most important guy in the room) is not highly rated. Gee- thanks for that..............

Also, I forget about the frozen embryo's. I have in my head this is our last chance at a bio baby, but really it's not. We could have between 1-3 fro-babies to transfer in the future. That's a nice thought.......

I still think if it doesn't work (which I am not focusing on....) than we (I) will start the foster-adopt paperwork.

Frozen transfers really don't have the best success rates and it's $2500 a transfer. And the meds....GROSS!!

What all this means to you: I will not be hanging out with you(unless you come to my house) until around the first week of September. Also, we are poor.


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