Today I testified in a Texas State Senate Committee hearing. It was so rad!
I only found out about the hearing on Monday, e-mailed and connected to the person in charge Tuesday, and went Wednesday morning. The bill is about a loan repayment program for counselor's who work with Medicaid, CHIP, and correctional facilities. Basically, I just told them what I know and have seen the past 8 years working "in the systems."
I had 3 minutes to say my peace. My coworkers helped me refine my speech after I wrote it, timed me practicing, and encouraged me all day Tuesday. It was really great to have everyone enthusiastic and supportive of what I was doing.
Then, I totally nailed the speech! I was perfectly timed, at 2 minutes, 45 seconds. I said everything clearly and without stumble. I made good eye contact with all 8 Senators on the committee, and many of their aids (who do a ton of the work). One Senator asked me a question about my speech, to clarify a point he didn't understand thoroughly. I answered expertly and succinctly. Out of the 4 people testifying at the same time, I totally did the best. Not that I am biased....
The woman who connected me is the Executive Director of the Texas Counseling Association. She enthusiastically said what a great job I did, and e-mailed my old professor telling her how helpful and great I was. What an EGO BOOST! I was so High afterward, it was a great rush! I want to do it again!
I also managed to get my TB test read this morning, all before 1pm. I snuck in the doctor visit before going back to work. One more thing scratched off the Baby To-Do List.
S and I have been rocking the list this week! I have crossed off 1-2 things everyday last week and this week. He was able to go get several things done even while working a ton. I'm so proud of us!
I hope to be able to turn in all the paperwork on Monday, which is the last day of training. Only a few more things to do before then!
I feel super "nest-y." Like I want to organize, re-arrange, paint, buy stuff, etc. We estimate to be able to be "open" to a kid by mid-May so I guess that technically makes me about 8 months Paper Pregnant. WOW that's a big thing I never thought would happen to me/us.
Good things are happening..........................
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