Thursday, October 24, 2013

IVF Schedule

If I could figure out how to post a calendar I would, but I don't know and I didn't even try. So whatev.

But for those interested in my SUPER FUN TIME NOVEMBER (and times to avoid me) here goes:

Oct. 31: Sonogram and Injection Teaching

Nov. 1- First injection of Lupron

Nov. 1-10: Lupron Shots Daily

Nov. 10-20ish: Lupron and Folistem Shots Daily


Nov 10-20: Bloodwork and Sonogram every 2-3 days, before 8 am (AKA EARLY)

Nov. 20-23ish: Trigger Shot of Really Painful Medication

Nov. 22-24ish: Oocyte Retrieval (For the layperson: day surgery to take my eggs out)

and Start Gel stuff that rumor says is very uncomfortable

Nov. 24-28th ish: 3 or 5 days after Retrieval- Embryo Transfer

Nov. 26: My Birthday

Nov. 28: Thanksgiving (Yes. they are open on Thanksgiving to do my Transfer if necessary)

Nov. 24-Dec. 3rd ish: 2 Shots Daily, and 1-2 Other Pills

Dec. 5-10ish: Pregnancy Test

I got the list of medications to be expecting in the mail this week. It lists 11 medications. 11. Yikes. Pictures will be posted of that mess.

Please note all the medications come with side effects lists that state: "Could cause crazy ragey times, and/or crazy hysterical crying."*

 *not a direct quote"

1 comment:

  1. Rachel. I just found your blog and I'm so very sorry you and Skie are having to go thru this, but you found very strong, even with the crazy train! I will follow your progress and send all the positive thoughts and wishes your way. Just know you have a lot of people behind you and we all will be glad to be there if you need us.
