Thursday, November 20, 2014

I Hit a Wall- Also Known as Day 3.

Day 3-Wednesday.

Why is it not Thursday (the end of my work week)??????
I just want to be in my bed.......
I hate's stupid/I'm quitting/and every variation of that sentiment

Those were my thoughts most of Day 3. By far THE WORST DAY! I was so miserable all day. For several reasons.

First, I am tired. My body had become quite accustomed to the arsenal of stimulants I provided regularly. Coffee, Cigarettes, Sugar on regular dosing intervals. I was never without a stimulant.

Now I have NONE. And my body continues to let me know via headaches, grumpiness, general un-comfortableness, and tiredness.

Second, I am constipated.
(Disclaimer: This paragraph is going to be full of TMI. Skip if you can't handle it)
I am open about talking about my poop, and other people's for that matter. It's an important part of our functioning health. Anyways, I haven't had a legitimate #2 since Sunday!  It has been incredibly painful. My stomach is very loud, letting me and everyone else know what's up.
We both drank some Traditional Medicinals Smooth Moves Tea  (if you are ever constipated or just not regular, this stuff is amazing!!)Tuesday night. It worked for S (of course) but not for me.

Third, I have cravings! For coffee, sugar, and nicotine! All the time! The cigarette craving was particularly strong. For about 12 hours. It was rough. Luckily the Husband is a rock, and helped me through it!

I took a bath after work to help me relax, and it helped.

Dinner was pretty good, or I was just happy to be eating solid food....
Baked chicken with garlic and onion
Romaine Lettuce
Black Beans
Brown Rice
Mix it all together for a yummy salad bowl a la Chipolte.

Our Day 3 Smoothie- 
(Tip: Keep the smoothies simple, Day 2's smoothie just had too much going on to be good!)
8 scoops (4 "meals") Arbonne Chocolate protein powder
2 scoops fiber
2 scoops Greens Balance
Coconut milk

S: Avocado, unsalted mixed nuts
R: Carrots/Hummus (I should have had more calories today, but didn't because my stomach hurt so bad)

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