Tuesday, November 4, 2014

In the Meantime

Since the being parents thing is on hold for now, I have been wanting to focus on my health.

I gained about 10 pounds during the last IVF cycle and I need to get them off me!! I also (super embarrassingly) started smoking again. I promised myself I wouldn't go back after this last time of quitting for about 2 months. Then, when the negative bomb drops- it happened.

I realize I have to stop with the sugar and cigarette addictions! I need to be a healthy, strong parent for my future kiddos. 

I have discovered Arbonne Nutrition Products. I have heard of Arbonne before, but I went to one of those horrible "parties" where they hard sell you while pretending it's just a "girls night." I had a negative viewpoint after that.

What I didn't realize was that they have a ton of awesome nutrition stuff! S and I decided to do their 30-day Clean Eating Challenge starting on Nov. 17!!

It's very similar to the 6-week one I did back in July. It's supplements such as protein powders and fiber powder, etc. You drink a protein/fiber smoothie for breakfast and lunch with some healthy snacks in between. Then you eat a regular dinner. Well, regular in that it's whole foods, minimal meat, no dairy, no soy, nothing artificial, no fats, etc. 

I am excited to get back to feeling awesome in my body again! I felt so great after the last cleanse, I want that back! 

This time I am going to take Before and After pics, and write down my measurements to see the difference. I hope this will help me to set the "reset" button and go back to my healthier ways! 

If anyone wants to do it with us, please do! I will create a Facebook group so we can support each other and share recipes! Let me know if you are interested! 

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