Monday, January 6, 2014

Holiday Mayhem

I read something today that said today is the most depressing day of the year. I get that, because it means "normal life" has resumed. Booorrrriiiinnnngggg.............

The holidays are so much fun! And exciting!! And I had so much time off work, parties, family, and just fun!

So yeah today is like the real world punching me in the face. That analogy came to me because I did get punched in the face----with CEDAR FEVER

The sinus pressure is hurting my face so much and I feel run down, tired, coughy, mucosy, etc. AND I lost my voice Wednesday! It's Monday, still sounds like I have smoked 2 packs of non-filter cigarettes the past decade. Gross.

But the upside of today being the most depressing day of the year is that I will be starting the next IVF round very soon.

It isn't technically IVF, but FET (frozen embryo transfer). Much easier, basically like half of IVF since they don't stimulate the eggs to remove them. They just put the frozen little guy in there and we hope.

Let's seriously hope this time works. This process is sucky and I want a baby dammit!

We did at least work on a home improvement project the past week. Skie has torn off the counter in the half-bath. There isn't a new one yet.........but hopefully soon............

This is sorta what we do, halfway to a project realize we need a plumber. Then realize it's New Years Day and there is no plumber around. So now we wait until Skie has time off work and a plumber.

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