Monday, December 16, 2013

Back Pain

My back has been hurting a lot since Saturday. This is not the first time I randomly have lower back pain, this is the 3rd time. The other two times have been immensely stressful, depressing times that I was sleeping a lot and mourning someone. I don't think it is a coincidence it started hurting Saturday when I was having such a bad day and had slept a lot Friday and Saturday.

I did have a massage which helped but didn't make it go away, and I have a chiropractic appointment scheduled. I know this physical pain is connected to my emotional pain.

Just now I found this article talking about the same thing. This person's situation is so much worse as far as the injury, but I can relate. My body manifests my emotional pain with physical pain.

How I Healed My Back Without Surgery or Drugs

Two years ago, my doctors told me I’d never run again. I’d never lift, push or pull anything heavy. My back was so messed up I wasn’t even supposed to bend at the waist.
But today I’m perfectly healthy. I do all the things my doctors told me not to, and I never experience the pain they said I’d feel. And that’s all without surgery, drugs or bed rest.
And for this I have Dr. John Sarno to thank.
Even today, I’ve never met Dr. Sarno, nor spoken to him. He’s a professor at NYU’s School of Medicine, a doctor at NYU Hospital and, most importantly to me, the author of Healing Back Pain. In the book, Dr. Sarno promises to heal you without medicine or medical procedures, and he does just that.
But first, let’s back up to my injury. Some friends of mine found a giant slalom track on a ski slope in Jackson Hole and challenged each other to races. Outmatched in skill and experience, I took the course harder than I should have, and suffered. X-rays showed a badly blown out L-5 disc, pressing hard against the nerves in my spine.
The pain was constant and severe. It hit my lower back, and shot sharply from mid-rear-end down the back of my leg. Many days, I couldn’t walk. Others, I’d walk a block or two, then lay on the ground in the middle of pedestrian traffic until the pain subsided.
Cortisone shots to my spine and orally taken steroids did little to ease the pain. Months of physical therapy only made things marginally better. Restricting my daily activities bit hard into my psyche.
Amid heightening desperation, I read an article about wellness that had nothing to do with back pain. But the author said he’d suffered the same injury I had, and cured it with Dr. Sarno’s book. The book sounded like quackery, but the author’s story was so much like mine... His remorse over being told he’d never play his favorite sports again, or pick up his kids, reverberated with me.
I looked the book up on Amazon. Sure enough, hundreds of customer reviewers told stories of their own, and hailed Dr. Sarno’s book as changing their lives. It had to be worth a try.
The book is only a few dozen pages. It doesn’t say very much. Its point is simple, though the exact mechanisms Dr. Sarno describes are somewhat more complicated. Basically, my back was perfectly fine. It was my head that hurt. Not physically, but psychologically.
According to Dr. Sarno, when we get severely stressed out, our subconscious mind wants to protect us from the strain. To distract our conscious mind from anger or anxiety, it creates a distraction.
Because I’d actually done some physical damage to my lower back, my subconscious mind knew the distraction of severe pain in that area would be believable to my conscious mind. So it constricted the blood vessels there, preventing enough blood from getting to my nerve. The nerve, being extremely sensitive to oxygen deprivation, reacted with severe pain.
To reverse the process, all I had to do was tell myself I was perfectly healthy. That I knew what my subconscious was doing to “protect” me and didn’t want that protection anymore. And to do this, I needed to send my subconscious mind a strong, clear, consistent message.
The first step was changing the way I talked to myself. When I felt pain, I’d tell myself, “Stop causing pain. I know my back is perfectly healthy. What could be causing me anxiety and anger?” Or simply, “My back is perfectly healthy. My back is perfectly healthy.” Though I felt like Annette Bening in American Beauty, reassuring herself, “I will sell this house today,” it made a huge difference for me. (No, you don’t have to say this stuff out loud.)
The second step was to get out there and do all the things my doctors told me not to. I signed up for a duathlon (bike plus run), because cycling was the number one activity my doctors prohibited. I’d lift heavy objects with abandon, bend at the waist, swing a golf club. I even ran a Tough Mudder.
Though this sounds dangerous and crazy, it was the most powerful way to let my subconscious mind know I was on to what it was doing. (To refrain from these activities would be to admit to my subconscious mind that I believed my back was actually hurt.) Once my subconscious knew for certain that the jig was up, there was little point in carrying on the ruse anymore.
Sounds crazy? Well, it is, until you try it and it works. I haven’t felt a twinge of pain since I changed the way I thought and lived.
If my story sounds like yours, I urge you to order a copy of Dr. Sarno’s book. Reading the book, it may feel like he’s been with you all this time, because he knows your story better than you do. You’ll catch yourself thinking, over and over again, “That’s exactly what happened to me!”
I’ve passed the book along already to several other people who’ve faced similar problems. For most of them, it’s worked. If I can get a few more people on board with Dr. Sarno’s remedy, the pain will all have been worthwhile.


There are good days and bad days. I am trying to work through all the disappointment of having 2 embryos in the right place at the right time and then nothing. It just blows my mind.

They say that happens; there is only a 50% chance IVF will work. But come on! I am young, healthy, and there were 2! I just don't understand.

I have been feeling really emotional lately, as in just having a lot of emotions all the time. I am either sad and bawling or angry or at peace. It is weird. I must still be going through hormone detox because I am all over the map.

I don't think I have ever cried this much in a week. TV made me cry, Christmas made me cry, I cried at World Market, HEB, A-Town, while getting a massage, with friends, alone, while driving, etc. I have just been crying all over the place.

I woke up Saturday crying. I had a really horrible dream that I still remember all of the details.

The dream started in the hospital. I was one of several obviously very pregnant women with their families. Everyone else went into labor, delivered their baby, and went home. I was the only one left in the room (it was a group labor and delivery situation, which was weird). The nurse kept saying "you aren't ready yet, you aren't ready." Then, she checked me and said "Oh wait, you aren't pregnant at all, you have to leave." Just kicked me out.

It doesn't sound that sad written down, but it was- trust me!

So pretty much I spent Saturday crying about various things, feeling overwhelmed with basically everything, and Christmas shopping. Not my best day.

But I had an awesome time Sunday hanging with some girls, and then a massage so a much better day Sunday!

And, today is Monday at 4:30pm I haven't cried yet. So things are improving.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

IVF Fail

It did not work. I am not pregnant.

I have had the most devastating 24 hours. I have gone through most of the stages of grief I think, having settled on acceptance for the moment. I hope it lasts for awhile at least.

I really felt that it was going to work. I knew the odds, about 50%, but I just thought we would catch a break this time. It seems we have more than our fair share of heartache, so I just thought.......

That's what happens when I get just a little too optimistic. I still don't understand why. Why us? What did we do wrong? I know the answer, Nothing. We did nothing wrong. It just happens sometimes.

I know that mentally but my heart doesn't understand. I don't know that it ever will.

The doctor called today and helped me feel a little better. He was saying that we don't know if the 2 embryos we transferred ever grew at all, they might have been at the end of their life before they went it. There is no way to know if they grew at all.

We had 5 fertilize, 2 transferred, 2 didn't make it past day 3, so we have 1 left in the freezer.

We know he is strong, because it made it to day 6 before the freeze, growing and strong.

The doctor says that is a good sign. It could mean the frozen one is our best shot. And as he gently reminded me, we only need 1. It would be nice to have a couple more in the freezer, but we just have 1.

1 more shot.

Then we have other options. We aren't sure what to do after the Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).

But we have options: IVF again, IUI, Adoption. All have significant pros and cons. Which we will cross when we get there.......

This weekend: I will be drinking alcohol, caffeine, and eating chocolate in ridiculous amounts

This week: Detox.

Then, eating the rainbow, no drinking alcohol or caffeine until the FET in early January.

I just looked at the calendar, and it really isn't that far away until we try again. Estimated CD1 is Jan 1-4.

Thanks for all the prayers, support, and love the past months. We still need lots of prayers and support the next few months!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Eagle has Landed

Transfer was a success yesterday! The doctor ended up recommending we put in 2 little embabies since neither was a super-duper star, they were just really good looking guys.

It was an easy procedure, no pain or cramping or anything. Which was nice. I have had a lot of pain, cramping, uncomfy-ness this month. I needed a win.

S got to be in the room with me and held my hand the whole time. I also made him talk to them during the 20 minutes I had to lay flat on my back without moving. It was really sweet.

Yesterday also was my birthday, the big 3-1. I can not think of a better birthday present than to get my "maybe babies!"

S writes the best cards, which always make me cry, and gives great presents. This year, along with some organic soaps, and a massage, he got me a cute little onsie that says Austin City Limits. And that of course made the waterworks start up again. It was really sweet.

I need some practice at "taking it easy." I have a hard time with that. The nurse told me I am an egg carton holding and protecting my egg. So I have to keep that in mind before I lift things or do anything. She says when she had IVF her standard was "If this doesn't work, am I going to blame the fact that I did ____ or that I lifted ____ or that I went to _____."

So I just have to remember the house can be dirty, the dishes can wait, and I need to sit my ass on the couch already!

I will work harder on that! At least I have Christmas presents I can buy :)

And I try to buy local presents, but I think this year will be mostly online shopping due to the "taking it easy thing," I can make up for it in the future!

Monday, November 25, 2013


5 pounds gained since yesterday
5 eggs fertilized
and 5 .....well that is all I've got.....but that's enough right? :)

Anyways it is true that I have gained about 5 pounds since yesterday making me look very fat at work today but hey I made it to work despite the intense stomach cramps. tomorrow is the big transfer, aka "planting of the eggs."

We hope to have 1-2 to implant tomorrow so we don't know nything until tomorrow and its hard not to worry and think about it. We have been going back and forth about putting in 1 or 2, and we have decided. Drum rolll.......we are letting the doctor decide. We really are scared of twins but open to it. And it's important this works since we won't be able to do it again for awhile. Got to build up the financial reserves.

Tomorrow is also the big 31 birthday. I like having birthday's,  and had a good celebration woth the coworkers today. 2 hour lunch- yes please!

They are really so thoughtful one coworker told me when we were walking out to watch "look whos talking " tomorrow.  What a great idea!!

I also talked with a friend about fertility stuff today.  It is so wonderful to tell others how it feels and commiserate on the crazy things we do! I'm not the only one !

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I currently slosh when I walk. I think other people don't notice, but  I can feel those follicles moving around in there. I learned this morning not to walk too fast, or the sloshing gets out of control.

The retrieval should be on Saturday! Very exciting news, and also it's causing me some anxiety.

I was really on edge and emotional yesterday even before I went to the doctor, and I don't know why. I guess it is just the hormones, but i cried like 5 times. I even cried when talking to the doctor. Why? Seemingly no reason. Which is apparently my favorite time to cry these days.

He seemed a little startled I just started crying when we were talking about the "taking of the eggs" being on Saturday. I have been having a little anxiety about it happening. It feels weird that is is really here, and happening already. I have been trying to only focus on the step I am on in the moment, which has been good and grounding. that it is retrieval time I feel unprepared, like it snuck up on me.

I don't really need to be prepared for anything, but it is "go time" on if this is going to work or not. Before it was always, "we will worry about that when it gets here" type thinking and now I'm all- um, it's here. I should probably start thinking about all this now. Again, nothing to really decide or think about. My brain just wants there to be something. Hence the anxious feelings.

I am excited that if we do a 3-day transfer as planned, it will be on my birthday. All I wanted for my birthday was to be pregnant. Not that I will be that day, but it is the biggest step towards that goal. :)

I was debating if I could clean the house Friday, I am thinking to give it a shot but taking it Very Slow. Moving fast is bad.

Let's hope I can get at least something done on Friday, since I will be home alone all weekend. And being home not feeling good and staring at a dirty house is not where I want to be. I want to be alone, watching TV with a clean house all around me.

we are accepting any extra karma points, prayer, universe energy, etc. Whatever you believe in that is good, send it our way!!!!!

It is go time.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Up Next......Retrieval

I went to the doctor Saturday morning for an update on my numbers. They were GOOD! YAH! We are right on track, which after the Wednesday appointment was not looking good. Wednesday my numbers were pretty low, so he upped the dose of Follistem and apparently it worked.

They told me I will go in for the "taking of the eggs" on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. I guess that is a little later than anticipated but not enough to be concerned at all. Then, the transfer or "insertion of the embaby" will be 3 or 5 days after that. And then, 2 weeks after that I could potentially be sorta pregnant! YAH!

I will not say I am pregnant until the embaby has been attached for awhile. I don't know when that will be but I have to emotionally stay out of the "pregnancy zone" until it is for sure. The fall from that will be too much. Defense Mechanism Enabled.

I have been feeling super weird since Thursday, which is a good thing actually even though it is uncomfortable.

I can feel my ovaries moving around inside, full of follicles. That wold be like all of the sudden feeling your kidneys floating around your body. Weird.

A couple of times, I could almost feel it through my skin. Extra weird.

I also feel super full and my belly looks like I am a couple months into being pregnant. It's hard, and swollen. And a really fun symptom has been the ability (?) to taste everything I smell.

Doesn't sound that bad, but wow it Sucks. I got my hair cut Saturday, and I could taste the hair, every product, everyone's perfume, hair, and hair spray all day long. The hairdresser thought it was cute, and kept feeding me mints.

I brushed my teeth twice after that, and I still tasted it. Then, at the bar (no I wasn't drinking) Saturday night I randomly smelled hot dogs. And I thought it was Skie that smelled like hot dog. At least that was real since a fried smelled it too.

Some of the smells I taste aren't real, I can't "smell" it, I just for real taste it. I don't know what that even means.

So, long story short is: Retrieval coming up soon!!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Loooonnnnggggg Weekend

Happy Veteran's Day (one day late)! I am happy we have a day to remember and celebrate the sacrifices others have made to this country. We have a lot to be proud of.

But more about me- that is why we are all here right?

I got a 4 day weekend. Amazing. I usually have 3 day weekends, since I work my ass off for 4 days so it was a nice extra day to my already extra day. My coworkers say they got used to having the 3 days off, but for me only 3 months in, it still feels special.

We had some serious ups and downs over the weekend-

First, on Friday I "got fired" from my one and only private practice client. Which means I technically have no clients, which technically means I don't have a private practice except that I reject that idea. So for right now I am "going through a slow period" in my practice. It's all about the lemonade.

I knew it was coming due to insurance shenanigans, and with all of the IVF stuff going on right now it is for the best to not have a Friday client. No Big Deal.

I did go to the doctor Friday for a "mock Transfer." He basically preformed the transfer but without an embaby- just as it sounds. It was pretty painful. Not stoked about doing it again in 2 weeks.

But I get to do it again in 2 weeks!!!!!!! That means I could have a baby inside me in 2 weeks! AMAZING!!!

Sunday we got to see the supercollision of the "time of the month" hormones and the fertility drug hormones. It was a spectacular fireworks show which included yelling, nagging, hysterical crying, blaming, "always-ing," guilting, and a dash of martyrdom. It was colorful to say the least.

Luckily I ran the gamut of emotions in about an hour, and then I was fine. Seriously, I was fine and went on with that day. WTH?! I was on a rollercoaster of emotion, and just got off. Done.

Pretty freaky stuff. And I have an awesome husband. He really didn't get upset or engage with my yelling much. There was one point he did, but didn't last long. Then while I was sobbing and apologizing for being so mean he was like "it's cool, just the hormones. I love you for doing all the IVF stuff." WHAT?! Seriously. He is cool as a cucumber.

While I am bragging about the S, he is also being really encouraging and supportive about my "faux-preggo diet."

I really need to be eating as if I am pregnant to prepare my body, and give the drugs the best shot at working. I have been off daily caffeine and alcohol for a couple of weeks, and now that the detox is over I need to "eat the rainbow."

We went to the HEB together yesterday, which is a rare treat and really fun. We also made a meal plan which has happened exactly never in our relationship. (This may have been part of the yelling, it's so hard to remember everything I was mad about)

We got a ton of veggies in all the colors, with a specific day and meal to eat them. And some for juicing/smoothies.

I am pretty excited about "having to" juice and make smoothies because I love them but lack the motivation to make them most of the time.

Pomegranates are in season, and we ate half of it last night for dessert. Neither of us has ever done the whole peeling, de-seeding without guidance we managed and it was delicious!


I juiced this morning before work. BAM! Nailing it.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Suckvember Has Begun

We knew November was going to be a tough month, and so far it hasn't disappointed. My grandmother/Nanny died on Nov. 1.

I got the call from my dad early in the morning when I was getting ready to do some wedding prep with a close friend. I didn't want to be Debby Downer, so I stuffed those feelings down. Good thing I have lots of practice with that. :)

The wedding was amazing though!

It was a good distraction from thinking about Nanny.

Tuesday was the funeral, it was surprisingly very difficult. For a 95 year old woman, there were a lot of people there. I hope when I am 95 I have that much family and friends around!

The saddest part was seeing her 2 sisters be so incredibly sad. The best part was seeing lots of family we don't see often and that her bowling buddies came!

She was a HUGE bowler. It was something she did the majority of her life, and they even went to Washington, D.C. on some sort of bowling trip I never knew the details about. I wonder if it was a tournament, or just for funsies or what? (If anyone reading knows, please comment)

The good news is the IVF shot I am on right now (Lupron) is no big deal. Seriously, it's a tiny needle, like a diabetes-type needle. And it takes me about 30 seconds to prep and administer the shot. NBD.

I go back to the doctor tomorrow (Friday) for a sonogram and further instructions. I start another shot on Sunday I think. It is Follistem, which I will take until the retrieval.

This medication can potentially have some icky side effects, and I can't exercise on it. (Too bad since I have been working out like never!- Now I have a good "reason" not to)

I was looking at the calendar today, and it seems so soon we will be doing the transfer! I am so excited I want it to be here already!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Funny Story

It's been a hilarious, sad, hormonal, and stressful week! Oh wait, it's only Wednesday.
Only halfway through the week. Yikes.

Walgreen's had an important lesson for me this morning at 8 am. I go to get a flu shot before work. (Aside: I hate the flu shot but with the medications I am going to be on next month and the potential for a possibility of maybe being newly pregnant during flu season- I went for it.)

Anyways- I am walking into Walgreens from the rain, going down the lotion aisle just to see if my stuff is on sale, I fell. Just like that- walking, walking, walking, BAM, feet out from under me. Flat ass on the ground, making extra sure I grabbed the nearest display to take down with me.

It was pretty funny, I started cracking up/almost crying, just sitting there until a woman came over to help me up. I can't believe that shit happened. Seriously, I ate it. Hard. My shoulder has a bruise where I hit the display.

It turns out, the little rubber things on the heels of boots are important. I wore last year's boots for the first time today and sometime during the summer when no one touched them the little rubber piece went AWOL. It's just missing.

Lesson Learned: Check your winter shoes for the little rubber piece on the heel. It's important.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pineapple and IVF

I was telling some friends about the upcoming cycle, and the crazy things people do to try and boost the odds. Just so you all know: I am participating in all of the crazy ideas.

Because why the hell not? What do I have to lose? Absolutely Nothing.

None of the things I am going to do hurt my odds, I have checked with my doctor and IVF nurse, so commence the pineapple core eating!

Supposedly if you eat 1/5th of the core of a pineapple for the first 5 days after transfer it boosts success. this is because of Bromelain, which is an anti-inflammatory agent. There is some correlated research, which is def. not the same as causal, but still I will take it!

Check this out, it's from an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility:

Pineapple for Embryo Implantation & IVF Success

Have you ever heard of eating pineapple to aid embryo implantation? After doing some medical super sleuthing, Dr. Elise Schroeder has come up with a few logical and plausible ideas as to what pineapple’s got that might aid in conception.
If you are reading fertility blogs or talking with other women going through IVF, you have probably heard of the pineapple trick. The idea is to eat a whole pineapple, including the core, before and after the day of implantation. OK, sounds good, and couldn’t really hurt, but as usual I am asking the questions:
“What’s the mechanism?” and “How does that work?”
After doing some medical super sleuthing, I have come up with a few logical and plausible ideas as to what pineapple’s got that might aid in conception.
The main nutrient in pineapple that might be contributing to this affect is bromelain. Bromleain is an enzyme, meaning it help reactions take place in the body. When taken with food bromelain helps us break down or digest our foods. When taken on an empty stomach bromelain has some other actions on the body:
It acts as a blood thinner and anticoagulant.
Like aspirin, bromelain can increase blood flow to the uterus via its action as a blood thinner and anticoagulant. It is also thought that using a blood thinner like aspirin can help in women who have had repeat miscarriages, especially if they are also positive for phospholipid antibodies.
Bromelain acts as an anti-inflammatory agent
Conception and implantation requires an intricate shift in the immune system. Specifically a shift from TH1 immune cells to TH2. Another way of saying that is that conception requires an anti inflammatory shift. It is possible that bromelain helps with this shift which allows implantation to occur. If you’re a little nerdy like me and want to see a study that looks at bromelain and immune cells, check out this abstract.

So there, it's happening. Along with acupuncture the day of retrieval and transfer, massage just before retrieval, seeing a funny movie after transfer, eating sweet potatoes, and standing on my head every day.

Just kidding about the last one, but I am doing everything else!


Thursday, October 24, 2013

IVF Schedule

If I could figure out how to post a calendar I would, but I don't know and I didn't even try. So whatev.

But for those interested in my SUPER FUN TIME NOVEMBER (and times to avoid me) here goes:

Oct. 31: Sonogram and Injection Teaching

Nov. 1- First injection of Lupron

Nov. 1-10: Lupron Shots Daily

Nov. 10-20ish: Lupron and Folistem Shots Daily


Nov 10-20: Bloodwork and Sonogram every 2-3 days, before 8 am (AKA EARLY)

Nov. 20-23ish: Trigger Shot of Really Painful Medication

Nov. 22-24ish: Oocyte Retrieval (For the layperson: day surgery to take my eggs out)

and Start Gel stuff that rumor says is very uncomfortable

Nov. 24-28th ish: 3 or 5 days after Retrieval- Embryo Transfer

Nov. 26: My Birthday

Nov. 28: Thanksgiving (Yes. they are open on Thanksgiving to do my Transfer if necessary)

Nov. 24-Dec. 3rd ish: 2 Shots Daily, and 1-2 Other Pills

Dec. 5-10ish: Pregnancy Test

I got the list of medications to be expecting in the mail this week. It lists 11 medications. 11. Yikes. Pictures will be posted of that mess.

Please note all the medications come with side effects lists that state: "Could cause crazy ragey times, and/or crazy hysterical crying."*

 *not a direct quote"

Monday, October 21, 2013


I got my IVF schedule today!!

I was not expecting it until much later in the week, so it was a happy Monday surprise!

The IVF nurse was nice today, but I still don't like her.

I will get my first sonogram on Thursday, October 31at 8:30 am. It is just to have a baseline and make sure I don't have any cysts. Then, my first injections start on November 1!!!

WOW! November 1. That is so soon. It is also the weekend of my friend's wedding but luckily S and I are off work that day so he can help me with the first shot. They all have to be done in the morning, so I should be nice and sore when I get to work. That will be really fun.

Basically it looks like I have daily shots, a sonogram and blood work every 2-3 days in the middle of the month, then the retrieval, then transfer, then hopefully positive pregnancy test.

Sounds easy right?! Right????


I am terrified of the shots, mostly because I read too many blogs. I love the blogs, but I keep hearing how painful the shots are. I keep reminding myself it's mind over matter and I have a very high pain tolerance. (Not sure if that is actually true or I just convince myself of that- whatever it works)

The shots can also make you cray. I am already too good at that. The craziest of the crazy pills happens to be right around the day I take my first few shots. I think they do that on purpose just to make sure your marriage can handle the crazy. Here's hoping.....

S has been warned not to engage the crazy person that inhabits my body around that time.

Theoretically, if everything goes exactly perfect and the stars are completely aligned I might, possibly have a positive pregnancy test by the first week in December.

Sounds so far away and yet so soon! It's a weird feeling. And what a great holiday present for us. I obviously can't tell anyone until 12 weeks so I hope all my readers (the 2 of you) can handle the suspense.

12 weeks is a long time.......I have a BIG mouth. The odds of me making it that long with such a big secret is nill. I will shoot for Christmas.

I have read some blogs though that shared early, then miscarried and said how unbelievably hard it was that people knew.

I don't know yet what the best course is for us. Only time will tell. And hey I have a 40% chance of not having to deal with that. I am back to being a pessimist.

I also talked to my person with the insurance company. She had only good news on the financial front! But who knows until we actually get the bills in.

Yes, we have a person. They assigned us a case manager recently to discuss fertility coverage. Now, when I have questions I have a person to call. I don't have to press 1 or wait or anything. That's pretty cool. S has great, no amazing, insurance through his job. Even the doctor's office said this is the best insurance coverage they see.

So we have that going for us.


Home Sweet Home

This weekend was my dad's 60th Birthday Party! I had a great time hanging out with friends and family! I got to spend a lot of time with my niece playing "tea party" and getting the stickers out of her new book. She kept saying "tricky stickers" when I tried to get them out of the book. I guess they were a little "tricky."

Honestly, it was a bit weird being around everybody and not drinking. I can't drink, smoke, or have caffeine while preparing for IVF (and during, and after for that matter). I got a very different perspective than I usually do. Very interesting........

I did enjoy not being hungover Sunday morning, and still had a blast! I win. (Finally, I get to win something!)

My Nanny is in the hospital. She is 95, and has been in about 10 days now. That is a long time to be in the same room, in the same bed, without being able to get up. I got to spend several hours with her so I am grateful for that.

She is so "with it" still it amazes me. She was asking about S, our jobs, telling me about my other cousins, and really holding conversation well. She was complaining Saturday about not being able to go to Dad's b-day party, and felt really lonely since the family was there and not with her Saturday night.

I am very grateful she is still around, and especially she made it through the weekend.

My dad's dad died on the day of his 26th birthday party. It was a week before his actual birthday and they were having chili which is exactly what was going on this weekend. Weird timing.

But history did not repeat itself.

Her sister (who is 86) came up from Sequin Sunday too so I know that brightened her day. At one point, there were 9 people in her little hospital room and she grabbed my hand, squeezed, and said "I am so happy right now. I'm so happy everyone is here." and she had the biggest grin on her face.

Such a wonderful moment.

Monday, October 14, 2013


I was thinking today about how CD 1's have changed over the years. And as I was typing realized how that might sound weird to a normal person that has not gone through the infertility diagnosis. Oh well, I am running with it.................

See when I "started" in college it was a celebration. Right after the "oh shit" moments when it's a day or two late, the phone call to Boyfriend Du Jour where we both sigh, and feel relief.

The first month off the pill was unpredictable, so it was good when Aunt Flow finally showed up. I knew things were working, and we could get down to business.

The first few months of tying AF would arrive on time, as expected. No biggie. We really didn't want to be successful until after a friend's wedding, or until after Thanksgiving. It's ok. No biggie. We will try something different next month.

I got the book, read the book. Got the app, used the app. Got to know my body, my rhythms. Checked mucus and positioning every day. Peed on sticks, and still she came; again and again.

It got really old after a while.

Then, we got scared. And sad. We felt like we were doing it wrong. Like if we only understood better, or timed differently, or ate more sweet potatoes, it would happen for us too. Just like they said it would.

So we relaxed, took a nice trip out of town, didn't stress about it, didn't really try (while continuing to try), ate tons of fruits and veggies, did a fertility prepping cleanse, detox'd, ate like shit, got massage, got acupuncture, ate like crap, and drank too much. We tried everything, and the let down on CD1 was hard. I would just look at S, see the look of sadness, and cry. Then resolve to try harder the next month.

Then we got "the" diagnosis. Infertile. Such relief and grief in that moment. It made sense why all those things didn't work. It wasn't us doing it wrong. We did everything right. We couldn't have done anything more perfectly to land where we were. We are ok, and now we have a plan.

Give me a plan, and I am good. I like control that way. I didn't have to be sad when AF came to town. It was just how we are made. It's not my fault. It's no one's fault and that's a relief.

Since July 2013, tears do not greet Aunt Flow. We know it's in the doctor's hands now. And we will know the exact moment of conception.

Which is cool, especially for those of us who like control that way.


CD 1

It's my least favorite of all the CD's. (That's Cycle day for the layperson) I am hoping this is one of the few CD1's for the next 10 months or so.

I start Crazy Pills on Wednesday. Wish us luck. Everyone in a 10 mile radius of me needs it.

I did consult with a therapist friend on how to manage the hormone rages a little better. It would be easier if I woke up pissed off and stayed that way, but it's like waves. I am ok, then ragey, then ok, then depressed, then ok, then fill in crazy huge emotion, then ok, and on and on and on.

My friend suggested a "Self-Soothe box" combined with post-it notes strategically placed around the house. I like this idea. It takes my postcard idea to the next level.

So here's the plan: this week I am gathering my favorite things that appeal to all my senses: Making a playlist, to put next to a favorite candle, next to my yoga mat, next to my favorite comfy pants, next to my favorite tea, in the office where I will have my space. Then, I will write notes to myself to remind me to walk away from picking on the man who is awesome. I will write trigger phrases like "He is your husband, he is being supportive and loving. Go to your room" and "It's ok, it's the pills making you cry uncontrollably. Go to your room."

I have high hopes this will work. We both need it to work as the crazy pills are just the beginning. The Crazy SHOTS are coming soon!

Here's to me keeping it together this month!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Recovering and Preparing

We are preparing for the crazy train I will be courtesy of the birth control pills. My train will depart around Friday, and will come full circle by the beginning of November. Super. I am a raging cray cray b- in various forms for a solid 5 days. It's super really, you should get a ticket to watch. I already apologized in advance to S, and plan to write a notecard to reference in my crazy (more on that later).

See what happened was, last time I was on the pill (in August for the IVF cycle that was planned and ripped away from us) was a bit rough. Some examples......

My boss had to send me home from work becuase I was uncontrolllably sobbing. Not crying. Crying jumped off crazy train waaayyyy before this. I was sobbing. At Work. New job. Less than a month in. Yup, I was that girl. It was super embarrassing. I could not stop crying. I cried for about 2 hours. And that isn't even the worst thing that happened.

My thoughts were so out of whack I don't even know where to start explaining it. I cried myself to sleep for a week. A Week Solid.

One night, I was convinced S and I shouldn't have kids because we would be terrible parents becuase if we were "meant" to have kids we would be able to naturally. I tried to discuss this in a (what I thought was) totally rational way with my husband. Then, proceeded to get all ragey at him for saying I was talking crazy. What?! I don't even know what that means!!!

There were several incidents where I attempted to have these so-called "rational" conversations with him that were in fact completely nutso, he attempted (very very nicely I must add) that I was in fact in Crazy Town, and I LOST. MY. SHIT. Compeltely lost it. Like thinking we should break up kind of lost it. Yes that happened. I thought my husband was being mean to me, not being supportive, and rejecting me compeltely because he didn't want to take a vacation to Crazy Town.

I am so not looking forward to that again.
So back to the notecard. I plan to write down some of the awesome things about my husband, remind myself he is an awesome husband, and tell myself to keep it together because I am the crazy one. Let's hope it works, my trips to Crazy Town are tough on the marriage.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Life is Not Fair, Except everything happens for a reason

Long headline, but so many things have happened. It has been a month since I updated, but it has felt like 3 months. August and September have been very eventful, and not in the good way.

I am right now sitting in a freezing waiting room at the Hospital. I have been here since 12:21. That is when my husband went into surgery. For the second time in less than a month. Waiting rooms are BOOORRRINNGG. I am restless, worried, bored, anxious, scared, and mad!

WOW that's a lot of feelings for one tiny waiting room.
We aren't pregnant, shockingly. We could have been closer to being pregnant right now but the IVF nurse sucks. And that's a longer story for another day. But it looks like in early November we can start the IVF drugs.
Let's focus for a minute on the "life's not fair" part of the title.
There are so certain people we know that get pregnant (seemingly) without even trying, that have way more "risk factors" than we do. It's not fair we are young and healthy and infertile.

Anyways- I am here, waiting, cold, and bored and decide to check the facebook. Guess who is preggo! (Hint:not me, it's never me) It's someone else. And usually I am genuinely happy for my friends who get pregnant. They deserve it. Really, I have really great, nice friends with great loving relationships. They deserve it too!

It's just it takes me a minute to get to that place where I can be happy for them.
It is just upsetting sometimes, so upsetting I just spent the past half hour in the waiting room bathroom crying, much to the dismay of the 3 other women in and out of the bathroom.

I checked my cervical mucus every f-ing day for 6 months. Yes, 6. Months. Have peed on sticks almost daily for 16 months. Timed everything perfectly for 18 months. Been poked, prodded, and most recently had dye shot up me to check the ole tubes (for several hundreds of dollars by the way). For nothing. I have nothing to show for that except an empty bank account. How is this fair!!!??????

Ok, I am just reacting. It's new news and is still sinking in. But their kid is going to be older than ours, and that just sucks.

Ok, but look I know I am going to have a kid. I know that will happen, and pretty soon. In the big scheme of things waiting 2 more months isn't a big deal. I know.  

Also, it is actually good we were delayed because this surgery is a big deal that needed to happen ASAP, and we couldn't go through this difficult, 2-week recovery and IVF at the same time.

It is good we had fertility problems in the first place, otherwise we never would have found out about this problem he is getting fixed. So I am thankful for fertility problems. Seriously, I am. I swear. 

It still isn't fair, but it is good and happened for a reason. A good one I am sure.....more to be revealed.....hopefully....

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rough Day

I totally put an accidental curse on us with my post yesterday. We had a rough teenager day. We thought she was getting better, finding routine, settling in. Apparently she had other plans.
She had to go back to the hospital last night around 8:30. I got to bed at midnight thinking she was all tucked in there, only to get a call at 3:46 am to come pick her up. Who discharges a kid in the middle of the night!
She had not been admitted at the hospital I took her to, but instead was sent to the ER. They told her nothing is wrong, and they couldn't keep her.

So now sleep schedules are off, daily routine was messed with, missed group and individual therapy and she was totally unproductive and mopey the rest of the day. BOO!

Looking forward to our very first FFF Vacay (that is Forced Family Fun Vacation to the layperson) to the coast!!!! Hanging on a giant yacht, pretending to be classy and sophisticated- this is the life!


Healthy Supper Club is amazeballs!! I had a super crazy day yesterday- errands, visiting the fam (x2), new job paperwork, cooking, drinking wine, and eating- WHEW! (Please note the absence of my critical nap)

I made it priority to not skip HSC this week, and I am so glad I went. I love when it is a smaller group (there were 5 of us) because we can all really hear each other, and really get to a deeper level. I got to vent my frustrations and got some awesome feedback.

One of the girls had a fan-freaking-tastic idea I had not thought of yet! Could really turn things around! And one of the girls, and a close friend, is hooking my SIL with a 10-day job- win/win on the money and to keep her busy.

HSC is an anchor for me. Those women have helped me through the loss of 2 parents-in-law, job changes, general stress, planning a wedding, being married, protesting the loss of women's rights in Texas, and so so many more things. And I think I am not alone in having survived life with their help. It provides us all with this anchoring.

I am feeling so blessed and loved to have them in my life. :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Moving on Up!

I got a new job! YAH! I had to get a new job because A)I am so miserable at my current one it was significantly affecting my mental health and B) I have to get on Skie's insurance before January and losing my job is one effective way to do that.
I am hoping to also start my private practice in August since I will FINALLY be fully licensed LPC. I have a couple of really amazing friends who have made the transition from agency work to private practice and they are really helping me out. I might have my first client in mid-August!! Scarily Awesome!

We are also totally rocking out on being teenager "parents." Things are overall going smoothly with a bit of boundary testing recently. S has such good instinct for helping her! He knows tons of great things to say! We are "focusing on the positive, while enforcing the rules." It's a mantra.

I got nothing funny going on right now. I wish I could make some good shit up, but got nothing except the normal boring routine :) I am so thankful for that right now- just for the record! I am appreciating boring!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Fatalist and The Optimist

Out of Order, but from July 3, 2013. 
I don't want to miss this one.

Guess which one I am playing?
That's right- The Fatalist. But lucky for me S is an eternal optimist!

Skie's attititude: There was a doctor visit on Monday, and while we don't know much more than before, we will most likely have a minor surgery that will open everything up so we can have a baby the old fashioned way! YAH!

Rachel's attitude: There was a doctor visit on Monday. We don't know anything new really. We might, possibly, hopefully, if we are really really lucky (slim chance) be able to have a minor surgery to have a baby old school. BUT, knowing us and the luck we have had the past few years, we will likely have IVF.

Our compromise viewpoint: Ok, it could happen the old fashioned way. Let's wait and see!

:) We have some good and funny conversations! LOL

But I got to cancel my Major surgery that was scheduled for July so that is AMAZING! I was NOT looking forward to 4-5 days recovery time.

We have an appointment July 15 for more test results, and hopefully more answers!

Hoping For IVF, said no one ever.

July 17, 2013

We found out Monday that IVF is going to be our best shot at having a pregnancy. I had been thinking about that already, so I was not surprised at all. I don't think S was either. We knew after the first round of test results this was going to be on the table early. S has to go through some hard times in the doctor's office in the next month :( Poor guy. He handled his very uncomfortable tests Monday like a champ!

There is still a chance that conceiving a child is not in our plans. We are not focusing on that. We are focusing on two successful surgeries, and looking forward to IVF (said no one ever, except when that is the only chance of being pregnant).

We have been busy preparing for his sister to move in, which should happen today. I am pretty sure these are huge life events I would not normally prefer to be happening concurrently. I was not consulted in the timing of events. I need to talk to someone about that.............. :)

I have been learning a lot about IVF online, which provides me with a lot of comfort. I just like knowing what to expect, and going to the doctor's office knowing the terminology and the choices they will likely explain. There are a ton of acronyms BTW. I am trying to learn them all and might at some point make a list to help me keep track.

I am also looking for a different job. I have a second interview Thursday, and feel that it will be a good opportunity for me. I have to get a new job to be able to do the IVF less expensively. S has amazing insurance and they will cover part of the expense, my job does not offer such a benefit. If I change jobs I can be on his insurance immediately, otherwise we have to wait until January. That's not an ideal situation. S is doing his part of the procedure in late August, so hopefully I can do my part in September. Then hopefully my HP will do his part and we will be preggo in September. Whew! That is a lot of moving parts! The odds of success in a woman my age is high on the first shot, around 44%. And by cycle 3 it is as high as 66%. Hopefully we are part of the 44%, but the ways things are working out, we are preparing for at least 2 cycles. It's the fatalist in me. :)

Luckily I have some acquaintances that have gone through it, and there is a HUGE online community. If you want to check it out this woman's blog is the mecca for all infertility related things. She has twins now, but struggled for a long time. I love the blog roll, because you can pretty much read about someone's experience with whatever you are going through. It's good stuff!

I am also grateful we have already talked about adoption. We are both totally on board with domestic adoption. If we get twins (there is a higher chance with IVF than with natural conception) great, one and done. If not, we will likely adopt our second (and maybe third) child. I feel relief that we have already discussed that, and have a future game plan. I'm a bit of a planner, just in case that wasn't obvious already. :)


July 15, 2013

We are going to be parents.....of an 18-year-old girl!
Not exactly the way we thought our first parenting experience would be, but hey we are rolling with it. S's sister has been struggling lately, she just graduated from high school in May, and isn't quite sure of where she wants to go now. She will live with us and hopefully get some directional orientation.

This weekend we worked hard at cleaning out the bedroom that was the office, and moving the office to the other bedroom. I personally was excited about this change because I have been wanting to do it forever! It looks great now! Our office was a gigantic mess, like seriously gigantic. We also got a new mattress for us! WHOO!!! We also need to get a dresser, I just can't decide what I want in there. I do know I want it to eventually be the baby's changing table. Because it turns out a changing table is a dresser. They are totally the same thing. What a scam. We also talked about having her paint the bedroom and paint a headboard on the wall. She is a very good artist, and I think it would be adorable! I hope she gets to that project soon.
She will be moving in this week sometime, so the blog might get interesting as we navigate the world of parenting a teenager.

In other fertility news, we have an urology appointment today. There will be tests, and results of tests to be had. I am nervously excited as it means movement, and it has to be forward movement because backwards isn't really an option.

Kid-less Fun Times!

July 8, 2013

Yesterday driving to our friend's pool I was struck by a moment of complete happiness and gratefulness. Wearing bathing suits, Jeep windows down, Bob Marley blaring on the radio I was feeling so grateful. Because I am blessed to have an awesome husband, great friends, the ability to go swimming, enjoying the sun with friends. I realized these are the best days of our lives. These are awesome days, I want to enjoy them. So for yesterday, I did not long for a baby. I did not wish he/she was there with us at the pool. I just enjoyed the life I have, which is pretty awesome.
When we do finally have a baby we won't be able to do the random fun things all the time we do now. Saturday night as an example.
We didn't have any plans Saturday night so I went online to look for something to do. I found a burlesque show was playing at the Spiderhouse. The Spiderhouse has identity issues, It was a coffee shop, which it still is, but  also has lots of food, adult beverages, live bands, huge outside patio, and a theater. I saw a live rendition of a Saved By The Bell episode there a few years ago. Seriously, it was hilarious!
Anyways, the Bat City Bombshells were so much fun! We went early, had some food and a beer then saw the show. Afterwards, we were totally going  to go home but got to talking to this photographer for Meeting people-it's sorta what we do. We chatted with our new friend, randomly started talking to other people outside, and before you know it, it was midnight. We had a great time, met new friends, spent time outside, and saw a fun show! Good night, and something that will be dramatically different when we have kids. So for this weekend, all was calm in infertility land :)

To Tell or Not To Tell

July 4, 2013

So we went to a July 3rd party last night at a good friend's house who we have known for a long time. Most of the people there we have both known since before we knew each other. I am pretty open about our fertility situation overall and especially with friends and after a couple drinks. I wonder if I should be more tight lipped about it though.  Am I over sharing, do people not want to hear it, and what if something bad happens....those aren't actually my questions though. Because I don't mind people knowing. But I wonder if future me will want me to keep my mouth shut? Yeah I suck at that soooooo probably not my approach.It is interesting though because there is one girl who I just knew I didn't want to share anything with. And I didn't, even though they are trying for a baby too, and we talk about getting pregnant and TTC whenever we see each other. Which btw is only at social gatherings we have both been invited to. When I saw her last night I had this guttural response to not talk about it. Like my mind clenched up and was all "mayday, mayday get out now. Danger danger!"What could I do but listen to it. So of course she asked how I was doing if we were still trying, tracking etc. And I totally acted cool and calm and was all "oh yeah still doing it, no we haven't been to the doctor or anything. You know it will happen whenever" that was the first time since we were engaged I have left a conversation with her feeling good about myself. (P.S. she is the only person who upset me and made me feel bad about wedding,  then she decided not to go at the last minute!)So I think while I share more than some, I know how to protect myself from people that will not be the supportive friend I need. And I think I am good at taking social cues from people when they aren't interested or are uncomfortable.  Though if anyone has word of wisdom with a side of hindsight I am open to that too!Must go hang out with my fur-babies.Happy Independence Day!!!!!!

10 Words That Describe Infertility- Borrowed Wisdom

June 27, 2013

This is an AWESOME Article about dealing with infertility. I want to post it so I don't lost it and can refer to it when I need to. There are so many awesome things about this post. I read it and kept saying "yes, I say that. This is me!" Because no one knows what it is like until you experience it and I don't want anyone to experience it. So I hope no one else understands this feeling in the future, but know they will. Bittersweet.It is from a blog called The Actual Pastor.

Two weeks ago, I wrote a post about the hilarious and exasperating journey of parenting small children.
But for seven harrowing years of infertility, Mary and I would have given anything to have children, no matter how hard it was.Here are ten words I would use to describe how infertility feels:

1. Lonely. We saw couple after couple get pregnant before us, our best friends included. When they told us, we high-fived them, then we went home, and hardly knew what to say to each other. We felt lost, sad, and even lonelier than before. We were excited for them; we were just very sad for us.It’s okay to go home and cry your eyes out when your friends get pregnant.

2. Exposed. Everybody wants to give you advice, and some people say incredibly stupid things. My favorite: “You just need to stop trying so hard!” Some people want to know every excruciating detail of what you’re doing to get pregnant. Suddenly, your most private details are the subject of casual conversation. Once people know you’re trying, people want to know how it’s going, if you’ve done artificial insemination, if you’d consider IVF, and how it felt in that small white room with the gross leather chair & the bad magazines.It’s okay to avoid the question, smile, and change the subject. Keep as many things private as you can (except to a few trusted friends).

3. On Hold. We were always checking the calendar, wondering if we should plan that vacation, or that work trip, because what if we’re pregnant? Then we stopped doing that, because we would have never lived if we would have scheduled everything around a “what if.”It’s okay to miss a month or two; you have to live your life. This is hard, but over the long haul, it will create more stress if you feel so trapped that you can’t plan anything. We even found that it’s good to take a month off now and then.

4. Invaded. For women, there are so many things entering your body (probes, needles, drugs) and so many people measuring your progress. Even sex, at the mercy of a calendar or a temperature reading, can feel invasive. The loss of control can almost merge into a loss of self. But, it feels like once you’ve started down this road, there’s no stopping until you get pregnant.It’s okay to say what you need, and it’s okay to shore up your boundaries in whatever ways you can.

5. Awkward. During one of the first visits where I was given the small cup and ceremoniously ushered into the small room, I actually ran into some people from my church afterwards. Of course they had their baby with them. I had a small cup that contained very personal contents with me. They asked, “What are you doing here?” I mean, what do you say?It’s okay to laugh at yourself sometimes. And when someone catches you with your cup in your hand, that’s all you can do.

6. Angry. Unfair is the password that gets you into the infertility club. Mary tells a story of a friend asking her if she was angry with God. “No!” she blurted. “I’m angry at pregnant women!” She knew this was irrational, but she also knew that it was good for her soul to be honest in safe places. You actually may be angry with God, and you may need to find some safe places to be honest about that.It’s okay to express the darkness, even the stuff you’re terribly embarrassed about, because it’s good for your soul. But in the right places, with people who can handle it.

7. Stressed. Even though it seems like a stressed out couple is less likely to get pregnant, The American Society for Reproductive Medicine finds that there is no proof stress causes infertility. Besides, trying hard to “not be so stressed about it” never worked for us. It also didn’t help to “just stop trying.” Everybody has a friend who was infertile for 73 years, and the day they stopped trying, they got pregnant. That never happened with us.It’s okay to be stressed. Don’t stress about your stress. Trying hard not to be stressed is silly.

8. Despair. The cycle of hope and despair with infertility can take you out. I remember getting so excited when Mary was 2 days late, and just knowing that this time, it’s going to happen! Then, a few days or hours later, when she told me she got “it,” I would plunge into despair. The alternative is to temper your hope so that your despair doesn’t get so low. After about a hundred months of experiencing this cycle, we found that the best route is to keep hoping, and if it doesn’t happen, keep crying. It’s too hard to pretend that you’re not excited and that you’re not depressed. Be excited. Be depressed.It’s okay to hope, and it’s okay to cry. Keep hoping and keep crying.

9. Loss. This was not how it was supposed to be. This was not what you dreamed it would be. And you don’t know how it will end.It’s okay if you don’t know how to wrap your mind around your emotions. Be gentle with yourself for not totally having control of how you feel from moment to moment.

10. Ambivalence. Every time you have to go through another kind of treatment, you ask yourself: “Is it worth it? Do I really want it that bad?” And then in the very next breath, you are taken out by the sheer magnitude of how much you want a baby.It’s okay to want and not want. That’s normal. If you’re struggling with infertility, it can be such a dark time. You have to be out loud with each other about what you need, and every journey will be different. You have to give yourselves permission to do this journey in whatever way makes the most sense for you.My blessing for you as you struggle: May God give you what you need, when you need it, over and over and over again."

Big Thanks to the "Actual Pastor" for outlining how I feel!


June 26, 2013
I ran today, only 2 miles but that is more exercise than I have done in a while. So yah!! That's one of the crazy things about minor depression. Saying it outloud and having it confirmed by someone who loves me makes it easier to change. It's weird that way. Skie and I talked about it the other night and he encouraged me to work out and that was just the push I needed. So here we go!

Turn That Frown Upside Down!

June 25, 2013
YAH updated blog! I think it's pretty, but totally let me know if you hate it. :)

Feeling better today, more hopeful about everything. I haven't been smoking, so that helps. Everything still mostly sucks but S continues to reassure me and I am sort of listening more. So there's that.

I have been applying for jobs this week so that gives me some light at the end of this dark tunnel. And, if I get a new job I can get on his insurance because that counts as a "major life event" and his insurance covers way more for infertility treatments than mine.

I have not worked out this week, but I have been at least thinking about working out. And I have some loose plans to do that today. I need and want to. I am going to try very hard not to turn on the TV when I get home from work. Small goals...........

I am hopeful the "times are a changin" since SB5 didn't get passed last night! HUGE WIN! In case you missed it here is a play-by-play:


So things are looking up in general!

Also This.

June 24, 2013
I am totally sucking a life right now. I didn't go to work today because I over slept. Seriously like the 10th time that has happened pretty recently. And I haven't done anything today. Except research infertility and read blogs. I am thinking "Oh I need to do laundry" oh but it's 4pm and that hasn't happened yet. I managed to smoke like 4 cigarettes, but can't do anything else. I didn't even eat anything until about 3. I am pretty sure this is depression. Not bad like suicidal depression but like no motivation depression. I haven't worked out in about 4 months. I went from being a regular at the gym to canceling my membership. Yoga seems like so much work I can't even entertain the idea. I used to do it almost everyday. What the hell. It sucks. I can't remember the last time I mopped the floors even. Bathrooms- phewww yeah right. S has been picking up that slack. The guy who works like 50 hours a week compared to my like 35 hours a week now has to clean for us. That is my job and I usually don't mind but I just can't do it. I can't motivate myself to do anything! And I am getting so fat but yet do nothing about it. I am broken. Hope it's only temporary..............


June 21, 2013

We got bad  news Friday. Really Bad. I am scared we won't be able to have a baby grow in my belly. The odds of that being able to happen are now slim. That's really sad. I never in a million years thought this would be happening. And I feel like it's my fault, which isn't logical because it's not possible to be totally my fault. But it still feels that way. I keep thinking what if I had not done this or that or made a different choice. I have not always done the right thing or made good choices. I keep thinking maybe that is why this is happening to us. But it's not my fault. It's not my fault. This is my new mantra. I just want a reason or someone or something to blame but it doesn't work that way. Things happen. Bad things happen to people all the time. I know this logically, just to get my heart to know this is more difficult.He is going to the urologist next Monday, I hope we get more answers at that point about our options. Maybe the tests are wrong, maybe it was a mix up or a fluke and everything is really fine. Here's hoping...I have been researching possible options, even though we really don't know anything about the situation and I haven't even had my surgery yet. It's pointless and makes me feel better, more in control. We have discussed adoption, and I am feeling good about that. We agreed on domestic adoption so I went to the adoption website and started looking at kids. They just have their pictures up there, creepy right?! But I found some adorable kids that need a home. Turns out I have a home that needs some kids! :)I also connected with a girl I went to high school and college with that has been through this. We were never really good friends, but always acquaintances. She lives in Virginia now with her husband and 2 girls. She so graciously shared her blog, which made me cry happy and sad tears for all they went through. And the time investment was about 5 years. They started young, I am worried we don't have that much time. In 5 years, my chances of getting pregnant get significantly smaller. I also don't want to wait that long. But again, we don't know anything about what it might take for us to get pregnant. Seriously have to remind myself of this a million times a day.She also sent me a blog that is amazing. It is a huge community of women who are dealing/have dealt with infertility and all that comes with it. I have been reading blogs all day! This was good timing too because I follow some "mom blogs" and I have to stop reading them. (except Kat's, just the women I don't actually know.) I was reading them to prepare for getting pregnant and having a kid, but I need to be prepared for IVF, IUI, and all the other fun acronyms that I am learning. There is so much information and support out there now it really makes me feel "normal" and not alone. Because this stuff is really isolating. It feels weird or that we are somehow inferior people- not real men and women- because we can't have a baby. Someone should have prepared me for this! It should be such a surprise this was a possibility. Seriously, why is society all like "oh yeah just have a baby" no big deal. Um, it is a big deal, and really hard sometimes. We need to talk more about infertility and that 1 in 6 couples experience it. Cross your fingers and say a prayer we learn something after 9:45 am on Monday!!!

Baby O is..................

.....already a pain in the ass!! :)S and I are infertile.It's a label S and I own together. That is what we are dealing with now, the label and all that comes with it. It's not me and it's not him, it's us. Both of us have our own physical issues to deal with. He would rather me not talk about his, which I get. I call him "internal processor guy" because he can sit and think about something and feel something for an hour, 15 minutes, whatever and when he gets up he is good. He tells me how he is thinking about it, and it makes sense but that is NOT how I work, at all!I am loud, out there "external processing girl." I like to talk about what I am thinking, feeling, etc. all the time and then I feel better. So.............we blog. :) I am going to try and blog once a week while we are going through all this baby making mess. Goals are good.I was referred to the Fertility Specialist on June 10 by my regular ob/gyn. S took a test June 17, and we both went to the Fertility Specialist guy together on June 18. Basically, we were told we are infertile, there are things we can do to change that, and they will do their damndest to make a Baby O'Mahoney! That is promising. We have some friends who used the same practice years ago and they have 2 healthy babies, so they at least sorta know what they are doing over there.The appointment ended with me getting to meet all my eggs, saying hi to the 'ole uterus, and getting a referral to surgery. Boo! The hypothesis is that I have some endometriosis spots/growths/whatever on or around my girl parts, this could include fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, or all of the above. On July 15 I go under the knife to check it out and possibly give the girl parts a spring cleaning. It's a pretty gross and painful surgery but many times this is the cause of the baby making problems. Here's hoping.........................S is a little jealous because I can't walk much or lift anything for 3 days. He says he wants surgery too :)But if that doesn't work there are several other options to be considered, each with it's own hefty price tag. We will just have to consider all the options/costs/alternatives/etc when the time comes. I tend to get a wee bit ahead of myself so I am really, really focused on today, this one procedure, and hoping for the best. I say the Serenity Prayer about 100,000,000 times a day. It totally works!In case you aren't familiar, the Serenity Prayer is an AA fan favorite. They start and end meetings with it, and use it pretty much all the time, mostly because it works. It goes: God, grant me the serenity,to accept the things I cannot change,courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.Powerful stuff. So many tricky parts, such as "the wisdom to know the difference thing." Hmmm, still working on that part. But it really does help me think about and ask myself: "Self, can you change this, really? Do you REALLY have control here?" Turns out usually the answer is from the HP: "NO! Back off and let me do it" (HP=Higher Power).There is a breathing exercise I do and teach that goes with the prayer that really helps drive the important stuff home. Life saver.Anyways, back on topic.........I am focusing on the one surgery.That's all for today. One Surgery.