Thursday, April 16, 2015

3 Years and Counting

Tuesday, April 14 was our 3 year anniversary! It has gone by so fast, and it seems like we have been together forever.

S had the day off work; I did not. He got some big "to-do's" checked off the foster care list. He went to CPR and took Ms. Chica to get her shots. Then, he cooked his famous "Date Dinner" for me (salmon, asparagus, and roasted new potatoes with dill). YUM!!!

Year 3 is Leather, and we try to stay with the traditional gifts each year just because it is fun. He got me a Coach Wristlet, and a Coach tote bag! I was not expecting such extravagance!! He says he got them on sale at the outlet, so it wasn't too expensive.

I ordered his gift on Amazon (new kickball cleats), so of course it wasn't here on time. So in lieu of having his real gift, I got him a bag of beef jerky with his card. ---Get's like food leather......

We enjoyed a nice dinner together, then worked on taxes---sooooo romantic

We finally got them done April 15 at 10:00pm. Nothing like waiting until 2 hours to deadline.....

Have a mentioned S is sort of a procrastinator?? :)

During our anniversary dinner, we also had our annual "DTR" (Define the Relationship). This is something I started a long time ago when I was single and dating. We always did it before we got married, and much to S' chagrin I ask we continue the tradition.

Basically, it is an opportunity for us to "check-in" on our feelings about the marriage. We shared this time about if marriage is meeting our expectations, is it close to what we thought it would be or not.

We both agree we are great partners, and we are really good at compromising so we both get our needs/wants met.  We both agree that we do things the other finds annoying, but that there are so many great things it isn't worth getting upset about.

We both talked about how people say marriage is so hard. We are still waiting for that to happen......
Hey- maybe it won't!

Then we talked about our future kiddos, and how being parents might change our marriage. We are both a little nervous about that. And we agreed to make sure we focus on each other when we do get our kids. I just hope we can put it into practice.

I already know what will be our stressors when we have kids. My impatience, and his infinite patience (which sometimes looks like the aforementioned procrastination) and that he doesn't do what I want when I want it. He refuses to let me boss him around! How frustrating! ;)

If he would just do everything I said when I say it everything would be great....Right????

No, no, no. I don't really want that. I have to keep that in check and let him be his own person......I love that outcome, but I have to remind myself that it's better this way!

So here we go. 3 years of marriage, about to have kids for the first time, and we only have

(Sandlot reference.....we say it almost daily and both wrote it in our cards to each other.)

Monday, April 13, 2015

Shit just got REAL!

We have baby items. In our home. For our baby(ies).

It's surreal that it's real! This is really happening!!

We are just getting some serious basic items we would need for any kiddo from 0-2. I scored some great things (not pictured) used from some facebook groups. Seriously great deals for very gently used or not at all used.

I think we just need cribs, bedding, and car seats and we will be all set.

Those are big items, but we might be able to get my niece's crib, maybe her car seat, and I am meeting someone this week for 1 set of bedding.

And I went to Babies R Us this weekend to decide on car seats, a stroller and a diaper bag. I have made my choices, now I am going to shop around to get the best prices.

Also, I don't think we are going to get a stroller right now. It seems better to wait until we meet our kids and get to know them a little. Also, I don't really want a stroller. I know that seems crazy but I would rather wear them or carry them.

I can see occasions when it would be necessary, but those probably won't happen right away. I hope.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Big Feelings

Now that we are closer to meeting our kiddo's I keep thinking about them.

Who they are, what they look like, their personalities, how old they are, and the big one. What are they going through right now that I can't protect them from.

I am wondering if they are already born (we want a baby, so it might not be here yet) what hell are they living through? And I want so bad to just protect them. 

I am wondering if they are in their mom's belly, what is happening to them? Is she stressed, abused, using drugs? What are they experiencing now?

It makes me cry just thinking about it. (Also, PMS). 

I know I have talked to my adoptive mom friend about this and she went through it too. So I know I'm not the only one. But it is still hard. Wondering, waiting, wanting. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Phase 2

We graduated from Foster/Adopt Training last night! Phase 1 is OVER!

Phase 2 starts today! I just spent over $300 on our baby and all the safety requirements. I love Amazon. It's a problem. But I compared prices and with Prime free shipping on almost everything, it was worth going online.

I really just got some basics, but I really don't know what we are going to need. It's weird because we have so many unknowns. Like, we could get either 1 or 2 kids at one time. The kid(s) could be from Newborn to 2 years old. We have no idea and won't know until about an hour before they arrive.

I got what I think we will need for any of the above: a pack n' play, wipes, shampoo, body wash, hooded towels, swaddle blankets, thermometer, lotion, changing pad, and "lovies." Then a ton of safety stuff. An Oven lock, cabinet locks, medications lock boxes (yes, we have to have 2. Really, we might need 3 but will start with 2), and outlet covers.

I love our home, it is clearly a custom built house. There are cabinets and drawers EVERYWHERE! I love it because of storage space, but hate it for baby-proofing. So many locks..............

We will have to make a Wal-Mart run after we get "The Call" for diapers, food, clothes, etc. Important things that are really age specific.

All we have left to do is get cribs, car seats, and a glider. Big things yes, but that's about all we need for the first day (I think/Hope).

There we just have to get a Fire Inspection ("Call Chuck"), get our fire extinguishers "tagged" (whatever the hell that means), and online training. Then, the home study and we are ready!!!

I am feeling confident we can meet our Mid-May self-imposed deadline and finally meet our babies!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I did a really cool thing

Today I testified in a Texas State Senate Committee hearing. It was so rad!

I only found out about the hearing on Monday, e-mailed and connected to the person in charge Tuesday, and went Wednesday morning. The bill is about a loan repayment program for counselor's who work with Medicaid, CHIP, and correctional facilities. Basically, I just told them what I know and have seen the past 8 years working "in the systems."

I had 3 minutes to say my peace. My coworkers helped me refine my speech after I wrote it, timed me practicing, and encouraged me all day Tuesday. It was really great to have everyone enthusiastic and supportive of what I was doing.

Then, I totally nailed the speech! I was perfectly timed, at 2 minutes, 45 seconds. I said everything clearly and without stumble. I made good eye contact with all 8 Senators on the committee, and many of their aids (who do a ton of the work). One Senator asked me a question about my speech, to clarify a point he didn't understand thoroughly. I answered expertly and succinctly. Out of the 4 people testifying at the same time, I totally did the best. Not that I am biased....

The woman who connected me is the Executive Director of the Texas Counseling Association. She enthusiastically said what a great job I did, and e-mailed my old professor telling her how helpful and great I was. What an EGO BOOST! I was so High afterward, it was a great rush! I want to do it again!

I also managed to get my TB test read this morning, all before 1pm. I snuck in the doctor visit before going back to work. One more thing scratched off the Baby To-Do List.

S and I have been rocking the list this week! I have crossed off 1-2 things everyday last week and this week. He was able to go get several things done even while working a ton. I'm so proud of us!

I hope to be able to turn in all the paperwork on Monday, which is the last day of training. Only a few more things to do before then!

I feel super "nest-y." Like I want to organize, re-arrange, paint, buy stuff, etc. We estimate to be able to be "open" to a kid by mid-May so I guess that technically makes me about 8 months Paper Pregnant. WOW that's a big thing I never thought would happen to me/us.

Good things are happening..........................