Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Canada, Eh

We had so much fun in Canada! We saw 3 days of amazing bands, many of which were on my "band bucket list."
It was gorgeous there in Pemberton, a valley nestled between so many huge mountains. There was snow! And it wasn't that far away from where we were. We got to hang out with a cousin, and meet so many new friends!
It felt like this was a bit of a "Babymoon" for us. Then I thought about it and realized we have had like 3 of those......first was Vegas in 2012, not long after starting to try. Then, San Diego later in 2012, because you know it was probably going to happen that month. And then Wisconsin in 2013, and now Canada 2014. Well I am lucky to take so many vacations pre-kids. Silver Lining?

And now I am in IVF-prep mode. I forgot/blocked from memory the huge pain in the ass (literally) IVF is. I have been on the phone for about 3 hours this week. Not kidding. It takes forever to get one clinic to send information to the new clinic, that was 4 phone calls, voicemails, returning calls, holding etc
Then, I was on the phone with the mail-order pharmacy for an HOUR. One call, 5 different people, and one annoying automated menu later, I will "hopefully, maybe if things go right" have my medications in time. Luckily I gave myself 4 days of wiggle room. I know how this works, they wait until the last minute but my Type-Aness will not stand for that!
I told them I started injections Aug. 8. In reality it will be closer to August 13. No big deal to them, huge stress reliever for me. Last time I got my medications delivered about 30 minutes before my first dose was scheduled. We are NOT having that again.

I am back to the uber-planning ahead of IVF too. As in, yes I would love to go see the fam. in late August. Oh wait- I could, maybe, potentially have a retrieval or transfer around that time. And even if I don't I could be too fat/tired/overstimulated to move off my couch. So no plans for me until Christmas. Because you never know.

I am doing much better this time around in taking care of my body and prepping. I did the cleanse, and I still take the supplements along with my regular ones (Vit. E, D, DHEA, CoQ10, and the prenatal). My friend says I have expensive pee. She's probably right. But better safe than sorry! I have plans to start meditating daily about the outcome I want. I can't decide to meditate on implantation, pregnancy, or having an actual take home baby......Open to suggestions on that one.

 I am also getting on "the wagon" this week, as in no more drinking until after the 2 week wait. Then I will either get super-drunk or stay on the wagon for a year! I have scheduled my first acupuncture appointment for next Friday. And I will have it hopefully again during the cycle, but for sure the day of transfer. S isn't a huge fan, and doesn't really believe in it. I do though, and I have read several studies supporting it's usefulness during IVF. Since this is our last shot at IVF, I'm pulling out all the stops! Eating well, light exercise, acupuncture, and massage have shown some slight benefit so it's happening.

I have some anxiety about my first ultrasound too. We are not doing BCP this time, and "going in hot" as my doctor says. Which is good since I am a "poor responder" but it could leave me with a cyst. In which case my cycle will be cancelled. That would lame.

Fingers Crossed everything goes well!

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