Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dr. Upgrade

I saw a new doctor yesterday.
It feels a bit like cheating on Dr. V. When I called for my records, I was nervous and assured my nurse I would most likely be back that I just wanted a second opinion.
But now I like the new guy. He is younger, which is not always a positive thing but in this case it is because he is trying newer protocols.

Appointment day:
2pm- Leave work to go get records from old doctor.
2:45pm- Arrive at new doctor office (appt. at 3)
WAIT 48 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:50- Meet new doctor M.

(I was LIVID I had to wait that long! I told the nurses at one point if he didn't see me in 10 minutes I was leaving. This was not an empty threat. They made it happen.)

He did apologize profusely for running late (language barrier with another patient) and he assured me he could be thorough and quick.

He obviously didn't have time to review my records before I got there, since the other clinic procrastintated in getting them faxed so that I had to go pick them up, but he handled it well.

We discussed what Dr. V told me and his recommendations. He reviewed my stim sheet, and indicated places he would have made changes.

He asked the same questions I asked Dr. V at the time! I liked that!!!

He discussed how much he respects Dr. V, then qualified it with "I respect him like I respect my father. They are the same age." Passive aggressive dig much?

His office overlooks the nursing home my mother-in-law was in up until we brought her home in the last month of her life. This might be a good sign- like she is sending me positive energy. Or it might be a bad sign because that place gave her and I the creeps!

He suggested a new protocol that basically "all the young doctors are doing these days." Apparently old doctor's protocols are a bit outdated. I am typically not an "early adopter" of new things, but in this case it could really help.

I, of course, have researched his suggestion and the old doctor's suggestion and have concluded that his protocol is likely to have positive benefits for me.

I am nervous because it is not as thoroughly studied as the "old school" approaches.

I believe in Albert Einstein and "doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity."
(Turns out he probably didn't actually say that but people attribute it to him. I will go with the flow of pop culture on this one)

But seriously, why not try a different approach. I really don't have anything to lose. I already don't have a kid and have "lost" 3 embryos. The only real serious risk is that because I have diminished ovarian reserve, my eggs are on borrowed time. The alternative to this is not something I am willing to discuss or entertain at this stage in the game.

The surface level things I have read thus far indicate this protocol is recommended in cases such as ours. The rates are better, and good eggs are retrieved.

He also gave me the option to do a hysteroscopy. This is a procedure where they double check the uterus for growths, scar tissue, and anything that could be chillin in there and blocking my embaby from sticking.

I am leaning towards doing it, because
A) the cost goes towards my deductible which we will exceed this year anyways.
B) It doesn't count towards my lifetime max infertility benefit.
C) Worst case they don't find anything and I have the peace of mind that the old girl is a fully functioning habitat to incubate a baby.
D) Best case they find something, remove it, and the old girl becomes a functioning habitat to incubate a baby.

I got no reasons to NOT do it. (Please if you see something I don't, let me know!)

Because we are moving in April (Cross your fingers that happens.......) We will do the hysteroscopy beginning of May.

Cycle starts with birth control at the end of May/beginning of June and we go from there. Potentially putting retrieval around the beginning of July.

That sounds like a good timeline to me. Especially because I found this study that showed IVF rates were higher in the summer months. (I use the term "study" loosely. Their "science" was not air tight. But still those words exist- in the world........)

That's where we are in the fast, fun world of infertility.

I will soon have an AWESOME NEW HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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