Monday, October 21, 2013


I got my IVF schedule today!!

I was not expecting it until much later in the week, so it was a happy Monday surprise!

The IVF nurse was nice today, but I still don't like her.

I will get my first sonogram on Thursday, October 31at 8:30 am. It is just to have a baseline and make sure I don't have any cysts. Then, my first injections start on November 1!!!

WOW! November 1. That is so soon. It is also the weekend of my friend's wedding but luckily S and I are off work that day so he can help me with the first shot. They all have to be done in the morning, so I should be nice and sore when I get to work. That will be really fun.

Basically it looks like I have daily shots, a sonogram and blood work every 2-3 days in the middle of the month, then the retrieval, then transfer, then hopefully positive pregnancy test.

Sounds easy right?! Right????


I am terrified of the shots, mostly because I read too many blogs. I love the blogs, but I keep hearing how painful the shots are. I keep reminding myself it's mind over matter and I have a very high pain tolerance. (Not sure if that is actually true or I just convince myself of that- whatever it works)

The shots can also make you cray. I am already too good at that. The craziest of the crazy pills happens to be right around the day I take my first few shots. I think they do that on purpose just to make sure your marriage can handle the crazy. Here's hoping.....

S has been warned not to engage the crazy person that inhabits my body around that time.

Theoretically, if everything goes exactly perfect and the stars are completely aligned I might, possibly have a positive pregnancy test by the first week in December.

Sounds so far away and yet so soon! It's a weird feeling. And what a great holiday present for us. I obviously can't tell anyone until 12 weeks so I hope all my readers (the 2 of you) can handle the suspense.

12 weeks is a long time.......I have a BIG mouth. The odds of me making it that long with such a big secret is nill. I will shoot for Christmas.

I have read some blogs though that shared early, then miscarried and said how unbelievably hard it was that people knew.

I don't know yet what the best course is for us. Only time will tell. And hey I have a 40% chance of not having to deal with that. I am back to being a pessimist.

I also talked to my person with the insurance company. She had only good news on the financial front! But who knows until we actually get the bills in.

Yes, we have a person. They assigned us a case manager recently to discuss fertility coverage. Now, when I have questions I have a person to call. I don't have to press 1 or wait or anything. That's pretty cool. S has great, no amazing, insurance through his job. Even the doctor's office said this is the best insurance coverage they see.

So we have that going for us.


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