Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Loooonnnnggggg Weekend

Happy Veteran's Day (one day late)! I am happy we have a day to remember and celebrate the sacrifices others have made to this country. We have a lot to be proud of.

But more about me- that is why we are all here right?

I got a 4 day weekend. Amazing. I usually have 3 day weekends, since I work my ass off for 4 days so it was a nice extra day to my already extra day. My coworkers say they got used to having the 3 days off, but for me only 3 months in, it still feels special.

We had some serious ups and downs over the weekend-

First, on Friday I "got fired" from my one and only private practice client. Which means I technically have no clients, which technically means I don't have a private practice except that I reject that idea. So for right now I am "going through a slow period" in my practice. It's all about the lemonade.

I knew it was coming due to insurance shenanigans, and with all of the IVF stuff going on right now it is for the best to not have a Friday client. No Big Deal.

I did go to the doctor Friday for a "mock Transfer." He basically preformed the transfer but without an embaby- just as it sounds. It was pretty painful. Not stoked about doing it again in 2 weeks.

But I get to do it again in 2 weeks!!!!!!! That means I could have a baby inside me in 2 weeks! AMAZING!!!

Sunday we got to see the supercollision of the "time of the month" hormones and the fertility drug hormones. It was a spectacular fireworks show which included yelling, nagging, hysterical crying, blaming, "always-ing," guilting, and a dash of martyrdom. It was colorful to say the least.

Luckily I ran the gamut of emotions in about an hour, and then I was fine. Seriously, I was fine and went on with that day. WTH?! I was on a rollercoaster of emotion, and just got off. Done.

Pretty freaky stuff. And I have an awesome husband. He really didn't get upset or engage with my yelling much. There was one point he did, but didn't last long. Then while I was sobbing and apologizing for being so mean he was like "it's cool, just the hormones. I love you for doing all the IVF stuff." WHAT?! Seriously. He is cool as a cucumber.

While I am bragging about the S, he is also being really encouraging and supportive about my "faux-preggo diet."

I really need to be eating as if I am pregnant to prepare my body, and give the drugs the best shot at working. I have been off daily caffeine and alcohol for a couple of weeks, and now that the detox is over I need to "eat the rainbow."

We went to the HEB together yesterday, which is a rare treat and really fun. We also made a meal plan which has happened exactly never in our relationship. (This may have been part of the yelling, it's so hard to remember everything I was mad about)

We got a ton of veggies in all the colors, with a specific day and meal to eat them. And some for juicing/smoothies.

I am pretty excited about "having to" juice and make smoothies because I love them but lack the motivation to make them most of the time.

Pomegranates are in season, and we ate half of it last night for dessert. Neither of us has ever done the whole peeling, de-seeding without guidance we managed and it was delicious!


I juiced this morning before work. BAM! Nailing it.

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