Monday, November 18, 2013

Up Next......Retrieval

I went to the doctor Saturday morning for an update on my numbers. They were GOOD! YAH! We are right on track, which after the Wednesday appointment was not looking good. Wednesday my numbers were pretty low, so he upped the dose of Follistem and apparently it worked.

They told me I will go in for the "taking of the eggs" on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. I guess that is a little later than anticipated but not enough to be concerned at all. Then, the transfer or "insertion of the embaby" will be 3 or 5 days after that. And then, 2 weeks after that I could potentially be sorta pregnant! YAH!

I will not say I am pregnant until the embaby has been attached for awhile. I don't know when that will be but I have to emotionally stay out of the "pregnancy zone" until it is for sure. The fall from that will be too much. Defense Mechanism Enabled.

I have been feeling super weird since Thursday, which is a good thing actually even though it is uncomfortable.

I can feel my ovaries moving around inside, full of follicles. That wold be like all of the sudden feeling your kidneys floating around your body. Weird.

A couple of times, I could almost feel it through my skin. Extra weird.

I also feel super full and my belly looks like I am a couple months into being pregnant. It's hard, and swollen. And a really fun symptom has been the ability (?) to taste everything I smell.

Doesn't sound that bad, but wow it Sucks. I got my hair cut Saturday, and I could taste the hair, every product, everyone's perfume, hair, and hair spray all day long. The hairdresser thought it was cute, and kept feeding me mints.

I brushed my teeth twice after that, and I still tasted it. Then, at the bar (no I wasn't drinking) Saturday night I randomly smelled hot dogs. And I thought it was Skie that smelled like hot dog. At least that was real since a fried smelled it too.

Some of the smells I taste aren't real, I can't "smell" it, I just for real taste it. I don't know what that even means.

So, long story short is: Retrieval coming up soon!!!!

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