Tuesday, November 4, 2014


This has always been about a quest to be parents, and for us adoption has always been on the table. Initially when we were blissfully naive about our child-making capacity we thought we would have a bio-kid, then adopt later down the road.

Someone had different plans for us. It looks like Baby 1 and 2 will be foster kids that we get to adopt.

We have some good friends in good places that have been advising us on how to proceed. First, we got with an agency that works with the state CPS department to place kids. Second, we started on the massive pile of ridiculous paperwork. Started it in October, still not done!

We are in somewhat of a holding pattern because they do the training once a quarter and we couldn't make the October one. We didn't go because of my job, which means I have to make a job change! ASAP!

The next training is in January, and with my current job duties I cannot miss 2 nights a week to attend the training. I have been working on transitioning into private practice since September.

It's a much slower process to get approved for insurance panels than I thought. Given the population in my community, accepting insurance is crucial. It takes about 3 months to get approved. So that's on hold-ish for now.

In the meantime, we have started the application paperwork. They want a ton of details, names, salaries from every job ever. It's intense. We have been going slowly through that.

January is the next big focus! We can start training, and possibly be able to help a baby/child that needs a home by April-May.

2015 is going to be my year!
Just have to get through the holidays.......................

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